1. Age / Sex / Location
19 / Male / Germany
2. Your main Character's nickname and class (Alt character's nick and class also, if u have any.)
R0ckSt4r - Duelist
3. Except your main class, are there any other classes are u good with?
Yes, I can play much other classes like Doom Bringer, Dominator, Grand Khavatari, Hell Knight, Soul Taker, Soul Hound
4. Which is your current clan? Also which were the previous clans you have been with?
My clan is called 'F2ckTheServer'
5. Where u reffered by someone in joining asdF? If yes name him/her.
I've talked with Ayni. She has given me that forum page
6. How many hours u spend ingame? Do u have any specific days/hours that u cant be online due to RL stuff?
I'm online round about 5 hours a day and can always be on at sieges and oly
7. Any information about you and your personality that we should know?
I'm quite ambitious
8. Why would you like to join asdF?
'Cause asdF is the best clan I've ever seen. Such a nice and quite organized teamplaying. I really wanna be a part of it!
9. Tell us about your gear. (Weapons/Armors/Jewels.)
Eternal Core Duals +20 Lv. 7 Atribute, Augment : Passiv : PvP Patk;
E. Heavy Set +20 Lv. 7 Atribute, Cloak +20, CP Shirt +20, Enhanced Mithril Bracelet +20, Agathion, Top Ornamented Mithril Belt PvP Skill Attack;
Zaken Earring +20, Antharas Earring +20, Valakas Necklace +20, Baium Ring +20, Ant Queen Ring +20;
10. We are currently not using Ventrilo, but if in future we decide to use it, are u able/willing to use it?
I'm able and also willing to use it.