1. Register in our website with your ingame nickname.
Couldn't know since the application form was visible after I reg'd. IGN: Boleandre
1. Decent knowledge of english language.
Been educated in English since the day I graduated from high school so I think it's safe to say my English is not going to be a problem.
2. Gear has to be +16 minimum (Including epic jewels)
3. Decent knowledge of your own class, and your way around the game.
Been playing L2 since the prelude open beta test. Always played a lot on a Hawkeye and guess what, still the favourite no matter the nerfs or overpowered competing classes.
4. Respect your fellow clan mates. Idc if u had any grudges with one of our members before,
but once u join, i expect u to treat each other with respect.
Will do for sure. Had a discussion or two with Taskees on the L2inc board but it all went smooth and decent.
1. Age / Sex / Location
The Netherlands, male, 23
2. Your main Character's nickname and class (Alt character's nick and class also, if u have any.)
Main: Boleandre, Hawkeye. Alt (farmer): JayPee, Berserker.
3. Except your main class, are there any other classes are u good with?
Yes, my Berserker alt and THs.
4. Which is your current clan? Also which were the previous clans you have been with?
I've been in Awakening for about 4 years now. Started in L2pwnage/L2refused and ended up playing on L2inc. When I came back to this game a few weeks ago it seems like a dead clan.
5. Where u reffered by someone in joining asdF? If yes name him/her.
Not really. It's just that Haukar told me to reg up here and fill in the form.
6. How many hours u spend ingame? Do u have any specific days/hours that u cant be online due to RL stuff?
Hours ingame depends on the action/fun. If required I can be online from Monday to Friday from 5PM to somewhere around midnight. (Gotta sleep too you know.) Weekend depends on what my social life has to offer.
7. Any information about you and your personality that we should know?
I'm not desperately looking for e-relationships of whatever kind, I just want to have some fun PVPing in a group. As far as I know asdf is not a bunch of illiterate mang-idams-plix-kids hence I'm applying for a spot in the clan. I don't know all of your clanmembers but some might know me from the past.
8. Tell us about your gear. (Weapons/Armors/Jewels.)
VNL set 20/20/19/19/19 full attributed. 1x dark, 1x holy, 1x wind, 2x earth. AQ and Baium +16. Other spots are filled with +16 Vesper jews for more m.def. Currently looking for a juicy offer on a Valakas +xx. I'm not planning to get Zaken/Antharas very soon. Taskees knows my point of view on that.
(One of the aforementioned discussions.) All useful skills including passive masteries are +30. Furthermore I've got a +20 Vesper bow focus (earth) passive PVP p.atk., a +0 AS haste with active PVP p.atk and a +0 AS haste with active p.def.
9. We are currently not using Ventrilo, but if in future we decide to use it, are u able/willing to use it?
Yep. Got the equip for Skype/Vent./TS.
If you wanna know anything else, shoot! It seems I made a typo in my e-mailaddress when registering so I can't recieve any mail. Could a mod/admin help me out with this?
PS: I've read the announcement posted somewhere back in june about the classes you guys are looking for but I'm sure I know how to do my thing on a Hawkeye and like I said earlier, I don't feel like rolling a different class every half a year when the L2J devs mess up another stat. I feel like playing the class(es) that fit me the most.