1. Age / Sex / Location
- 18 / Male / Slovenia, Maribor
2. Your main Character's nickname and class (Alt character's nick and class also, if u have any.)
- Main: Somik (Dominator)
- Alt: uMAAD (farm char, Tyrant)
3. Except your main class, are there any other classes are u good with?
- idk, I always play ol <3
4. Which is your current clan? Also which were the previous clans you have been with?
- I don't have a clan, and i never had a clan cuz im new to this server (playing for 2 h D:)
5. Where u reffered by someone in joining asdF? If yes name him/her.
- no one, i just saw ur heros at oly and want to join u cuz im a mad oly farmer aswell
(some ppl from my cp that refered me to this server said they know some of u, have played with u)
6. How many hours u spend ingame? Do u have any specific days/hours that u cant be online due to RL stuff?
- im online like 14h+ (12:00 - 2:00+ gmt+1) Dont judge me
EXCEPT if there are any house parties going on
7. Any information about you and your personality that we should know?
- Hm like I'm a mad oly farmer, always there for mass pvp/raids/sieges
- My vids:
L2thegame siege : megavideo.com/?v=941S7YHQ
Some pvp vid made by a friend: youtube.com/watch?v=_LSc4Gj3KzE
had some more vids from mass pvp / siege / olympiad but they got deleted at last pc format.
8. Why would you like to join asdF?
Well im gearing preatty fast and will soon need a good clan for mass pvp/siege/raids etc.
9. Tell us about your gear. (Weapons/Armors/Jewels.)
well i started 2 h ago so i have only gear +10/skills +10
tomorrow will be mad farming time ^^
if u dont want me yet bcs of my current gear and want to wait for me to gear up,
u can just say so and i will make an app when im fully geared
u could help me a little with gearing so u would get a freaking new epik OL supporter rly fast
10. Are u able to use ts3 when needed?